Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mauri's House

Yesterday,I walked to Mauri's house from school.We were going to have a playdate.When we got there,we took off our backpacks and went to the dog she was watching.We walked him to the school,with Lauren,and brought him back.Next we went on her computer and played a little bit of Webkinz.We had some ice cream.Next we played with our American Girls and listened to Taylor Swift.And that was just the beginning!
Some of the other things we did were:
~Played in her backyard
~Listened to some more music
~Conviced my mom to let me stay until 8:00 instead of just 6:00
~Played with phones that text to the other one(And also have a calculator!)
~Went into her basement
Lastly,we played on Lauren's trampoline.Then we ate dinner(Mac-n-cheese),played a little wii,and at 8:00, she brought me home.I had so much fun!!!!
I hope I can go back soon!!!!!(P.S. Thanks Mauri!!)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hi this is Mr. Legg. Hope you had a good time at Mauri's house.