Monday, March 7, 2011


Lately,I have been doing tons of sudoku! It is so much fun! Whether it's easy, medium, demanding or super challenging,I love it!I do a lot of demanding and super challenging.I have gotten them all right, except for one I did two nights ago. For some reason,I kept messing up!My ones,my eights,and my nines were all on the same row as the same number!So,I tried it with my dad.At first,we thought we were on the right path,but then,we noticed a one on the same path as another one!My dad and I were so confused.
My dad went downstairs to do some work and I tried it again.This time,I got everything right!I looked back at what my dad and I did,And I noticed that we had put a nine in a spot where we had been missing some facts. I showed my dad and he saw it too.
Do you want to try it? If so,it's right below:


Tyler said...

Peyton, I like to do sudoku too. I am only on medium,but am trying to get to hard.


From Mr. Allen said...

I love your blog. I dont' do Sudoku very well, but my son solves them in no time flat! I think it's because he has a mathematical mind...

I love reading your blog.