Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Me and my bike

This pic is me and my bike. It has a basket, some colorful handles and a horn b/c my other bike broke so I put some details on my dora bike. My dad thought I was great!!!!!!! vomonos!!!!! That means lets go! it was on my dora bike. My mom thuoght I was great too!


Anonymous said...

That was a great video of you riding your bike. I loved it! It is the next best thing to actually being there to admire you and hug you in person!! I am glad that you wear your helmet to protect that beautiful, brainy head. The bike is decorated so nicely too. You are a blessed and precious granddaughter. Love

Cole said...

that was a cool video! I am glad that you are off of training wheels!

Anonymous said...

Peyton, I love the video of you on the bike. I had a few scary moments there watching...I thought you were going to fall. What grea balance. Keep writing those stories...I love reading them. I love you! Give hugs and kisses for me to everyone.