Friday, April 13, 2007

My favret princess Ariel

I love meeting Ariel at Ariel`s grotto for dinner. She was the first princess to come out. I was so ecxited! I got her autograf. Emily`s faveret was meeting Belle. Emily was so ecxited when she saw Belle. Andy flirted at all of the princess b/c he new all ther names.


Caci said...

hey peyton! it sounds like you really had a good time at Disneyland! I wish I could go there too because I have never been. Maybe I can take my kids someday, but we will call you first to ask what the good, fun things to do are and we will skip the boring things! Are there any boring things at Disneyland?

Anonymous said...

Hey sweet grand-daughter,
I love this picture of you with Ariel. Was she wet from being under the sea most of the time?
I think you are a princess because you are the daughter of King Jesus. So am I!! How about that? Grandma is a princess. Give my love to everybody and keep writing these fun stories. Love and kisses